

The flow cytometer FACSCanto II from Becton Dickinson is equipped with 3 lasers (488 nm solid state blue laser, 633 nm He-Ne and 405 nm violet laser), allowing you to work with eight fluorescence and two scattering parameters (FSC and SSC). Processing of the digital signals is performed by the FACSDiva software.

Becton Dickinson’s FACSAria II allows for a more efficiently and more reliable cell selection due to the simplified handling of the equipment, the flexibility and number of applications and the ability to perform cell sorting under aseptic conditions with a minimum of steps. It also has the advantage of requiring minimal alignment time and high reproducibility between experiments.

The equipment has 3 lasers (488 nm solid state blue laser, 633 nm He-Ne and 375 nm near UV laser) and detectors for 9 fluorescence colors, which allows you to select up to 4 different cell subpopulations from one same sample. In addition, the device does not need new alignment when changing samples and provides the possibility to collect the selected cells in 96-well plates or in 5 or 15 ml tubes.

Flow Cytometry FACSCanto II

Cell Sorter FaCSAria II